Chapter 5 - Cheap dates and waffles
After calling me way too many times and suggesting that he should come over to make dinner at my place I decided I couldn't see Robert the Professor Guy again. I had only been on one very poor date with him. And I mean poor literally, he asked me to coffee but didn't offer to buy my coffee when I got there. How cheap is that?! Who thinks it's OK to invite himself over to cook in my kitchen after only meeting me once??? He also said he could bring over a DVD and ..."then we can snuggle while we watch the movie." What the fuck?!? Who does this guy think he is? I swear I was NOT giving him any mixed signals. He also said that on Sunday after I didn't return his call he was very tempted to just "drop in on me to see how I was doing." Uh, can you say stalker? So I called him and this is how it went...
riiiing riiing
"Hey Robert, how's it going?" yada yada yada
Me - "I think I should tell you that I'm pretty sure I don't feel anything romantic toward you. I'm just not feeling it. Nothing personal of course. You just can't force these things."
Stalker Guy - "I don't think you can really know if you feel attracted to someone after only meeting them once. It takes me a really long time to figure that out. I usually have to spend a lot of time with someone before I know if I have romantic feelings about someone or not."
Me - "It doesn't take me long to know if there's an attraction. I usually know in three seconds after meeting someone."
Stalker Guy - "Not me, it takes me a long time."
Me - "But you're attracted to me aren't you?"
S.G. - "Well yes! I find you attractive."
Me, triumphantly - "Ha! Didn't take you long to figure that out did it?!"
Clearly unable to accept rejection gracefully, he still tried arguing with me. This guy, for all his claims of being over his wife, for all his education in the area of communication and relationships (he's got a PhD) is so crippled!
On Wednesday I was supposed to *maybe* have coffee with Toby zee German. I feel bad because I didn't call him back when I said I would. That's not like me to blow someone off. I met him through a friend of a friend. He's not even really their friend but just the guy who is remodeling their kitchen. If he was a really good friend of one of my really good friends then I would have at least called him to tell him I wasn't interested in dating him but I figured since he's on the outermost fringe of acquaintanceship it was acceptable. At least that's how I'm justifying it.
OK, now on to Philip the Sound Guy. I call him Philip the Sound Guy because he's an audio engineer and his defining characteristic is music and sound and dancing. The last time we talked he made it pretty clear that he didn't feel clear about how he felt about me. When a guy repeatedly says, "It's complicated." you know where you stand - NOT! As one friend put it, it's too early to be waffley.