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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Chapter 3 - The Bigger Person

Chapter Three - The Bigger Person or He's Just Not That Into Me

Tired of waiting for Anders the Surgeon to call I decided to take matters into my own hands and call him instead. I know it's against the rules but there's nothing I hate more than being kept hanging. I got his voice-mail so I left my call-back number. I didn't actually expect him to call me back but half an hour later he did....riiing riiiing...

"Hey, it's Anders."
"I know."
"Sorry I've been out of touch but I've been really busy with work and...." yada yada yada
"Anders, just be straight with me and tell me how you feel. I can take it."
"OK, I dunno, I'm confused. When I'm with you I really enjoy your company but when I'm not with you I'm not sure how I feel. When I think about you things just don't feel right."
"Well, either you're into me or you're not."
"I guess I need to back off of this for now."
"What does that mean?"
"I shouldn't date you."
"OK then."
"Well, good night."
"Good night."

The next morning (this morning) as I was showering and thinking (of course that's where all geniuses do all their best thinking) I decided that I would be "the bigger person" and invite him to my party. I called him this morning and left a message telling him that I really didn't have any hard feelings toward him and that I hoped we could be friends in some capacity and then told him all about my party and said that it would be great if he came and "...who knows, maybe you'll get lucky!"


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