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Friday, March 09, 2007

Meet Mr. Bird Luvah

As I perused the on-line profiles of guys who sent me "Winks" I came across one who had a picture of himself canoodling with a fluffy cockatoo on his shoulder - naturally my interest was piqued. After a few weeks of e-mailing we are finally meeting tonight. He's a grad student advisor, 36, tall and expresses himself very well however it's never a guarantee that the 3-D version will align with the 2-D. He also seems to have a penchant for animals, birds in particular, which of course is a huge plus with me! He seems intelligent however a PhD means nothing in the world of dating and romance; case in point the emotionally crippled guy I dated who had a degree in some sort of relationships field. Ah, the joys of on-line dating! So many freaks, so little time...

And speaking of freaks, Mr. Beer Guy was in Europe for the past couple of weeks (supposedly) and sent me several flirty e-mails and then all of a sudden stopped calling and e-mailing. Unless he contacts me soon I don't think I'll be going out with him again.



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