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Monday, March 19, 2007

Karmic sign or dirty litter-bug?

After fielding many, MANY e-mails from potential (and not so potential) on-line daters I began to despair. Date after date with duds, phone calls going extremely awry with seemingly normal sounding men, guys who e-mail me but just don't know how to close the deal, I began to wonder, "Is this it? Have I scraped the bottom of the barrel? Is there simply no one out there for me?" I had thoughts of canceling my on-line subscription and getting a cat but then as I was getting into my car last Sunday something on the ground caught my eye. At first I was tempted to ignore it but as I was wearing gloves I decided the likelihood of contracting some fatal bacteria was minimal. It was lying face down - it was a playing card. I picked it up and slowly turned it over - it was the Ace of Hearts. Either the universe is trying to tell me something or there is a naughty litter-bug out there with an incomplete deck of cards. What do you think?


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