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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Chapter 4 - Don't Sleep With "That Guy"

Clare was dating this guy named Philip a couple months ago but nothing came of their relationship. I had hung out with him and Clare a couple of times and developed a little crush on him and he in turn was attracted to me but never acted on it out of respect for Clare (naturally). Fast forward to the Meet & Mate party and who should come walking through my door but Philip! He didn't know he was coming to my party - his friend Mandy had brought him and I don't even really know Mandy. Philip and I flirt for the rest of the night and end up making out - ooooh naughty! Then we met up a couple more times and then I make the fatal mistake of sleeping with him. I told him that I wasn't a floozy and that I was afraid I would never hear from him again if I slept with him - that was last Saturday. Last night he called and we had a pleasant chat then he says to me "I'm not sure how I feel about us." and "I think I'm getting cold feet." and "It's complicated." What I'm hearing is, "I don't really like you." "I slept with you because I'm a dog and I don't care about your feelings." "I plan on sleeping with you a couple more times until I get bored with you or until I meet some other sucker." I didn't know what to say, I can't say I was surprised by it because I seem to be cursed but still all I could say was "Hey, I'm not asking for a commitment. If you want to see me - great! If not - fine." So, this morning I was mulling the conversation over and I called him and said "I must have sucker written across my forehead. If you don't want to see me just say so but don't try and spare my feelings. I don't want you to see me out of guilt." He assured me that he really likes me and wants to see me but again "It's complicated." "I don't know how to date." "I'm not sure how I feel." yada yada yada. I just don't know what to do so I guess I'll do nothing.

Then there was zee german at the party named Toby. He was a tall guy with the silly mushroom cloud hair. He called and asked me out and stupidly I said yes. Why did I say yes? I meant no! I guess I really want to be friends with him. I should have been up front about it.

Then there's this guy I met through Match named Robert who is a total freak. I don't even know where to begin. He was married for 15 years and he's been divorced for three. He says he's over it but clearly is not. He just seems so desperate to be with someone - anyone. He's the kind of guy who tries to create an atmosphere of emotional intimacy artificially. It's so forced. On our first and only meeting we started with coffee (which he didn't offer to buy) then we went to lunch at a little diner and he tried feeding me fries. I'm sorry but you don't feed a girl fries on a first date. He clearly was not reading me very well otherwise he would have noticed the look of horror as he shoved the ketchup laden fry in my face. I don't know how to tell him to go away without hurting his feelings. I may just have to get mean though.


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