So not Mr. Motivating
I'm a tree hugging liberal vegetarian. It says so right there in my profile. I don't try and hide it. So why in gods name would Mr. Motivational think we would have anything in common? Last night, on the phone, he revealed to me the following things:
1) He doesn't believe that global warming is real and that human activity has no impact on global climate change. (those scientists are making up sham tests and surveys!)
2) He says that since it costs five times as much to make a can from recycled material and "he's not about to destroy the U.S. economy", he doesn't recycle. (W.T.F.???)
3) He drives a Cadillac.
4) He's 36 years old and has never been in a relationship longer than one year.
5) Because he cares about animals he thinks it's important to hunt deer every year. He boasted that he has killed seven deer so far, as if I would be impressed.
After he rambled on and on and on about himself and how great he is, I informed him that I really didn't see how it would work with us and didn't care to meet him. His response was this, "Well, if that's the way you feel about it. It's your call though."
Uh, yeah. I think it's always going to be my call buddy.
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