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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Chapter 2 - The Quiet Phone

CHAPTER TWO ~ "The Quiet Phone or Pondering Why Men Don't Call"

In a cowardly e-mail which I thought was forgivable since I hadn't actually slept with him I told Scott the Foam Guy that I just didn't feel that "zing" for him and that I hoped we could be friends. He responded ever so graciously and said that even if nothing romantic happened between us he new from the moment he met me that he would definitely want to be my friend. What an incredibly nice thing to say and I do believe he means it. So now I have a new friend, YAY! And I invited him to the singles party. Should be a hoot.

Bachelor number three - Jim the Safety Guy asked me on a coffee date yet it was just too late. He waited too long and I don't think he's that into me. Now that I'm ignoring him he has become more and more persistent about asking me out - his e-mails more urgent and demanding "C'mon, I know how to treat a lady. Let me just take you out for one beer." I have put a Block on him.

...what's that I hear? Crickets? Silence? The last of the leaves rustling on the trees in the wind? Indeed I hear these things but no phone ringing. The last time I spoke with Anders the Surgeon was Tuesday night. He gave me a brief run-down on how the rest of his week was looking and said in a vague way, "Is it alright if I call ya later to check up ya?" Clever girl that I am responded, "Of course! You can call me anytime you like." Day six and no phone call and no e-mail. My gut says, "Let it go. Move along, nothing to see hear. Just keeep moving." I just don't get it. One minute he just can't wait to see me and the next second nothing. nada. zero. zilch! and I hadn't even slept with him yet. He should at least get to know my irritating personality before he rejects me. That's like illegal dumping.

It's ironic, I have terrible instincts for filtering out the jerks but my instincts are usually flawless when it comes to detecting when I'm getting dumped or rejected. It's a gift.

Nothing else promising happening on the front but with the party just around the corner I'm focusing all of my "dating mojo" on that instead.


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