Holiday in Singlesville
Nothing much has been happening in the romance department lately (I never did get an e-mail from McCutey) but with the holidays looming I'm ok with that.
I've taken a break from on-line dating. I hadn't tried it for very long so *maybe* I'm just being a little impatient but so far the results have been fruitful only in a sense that I've gotten a lot of funny material for this blog. I'm happy to provide my friends and strangers with comic relief but I honestly do want to find someone to settle down with. Are the odds any better that I'll meet Mr. Right on an on-line dating service versus the bars or going to parties? I've already asked all of my friends to set me up but so far they've been useless. I do volunteer work but the organization I work for consists of mostly women and the guys I've met volunteering are either married, spoken for, or utterly undesirable.
Where oh where can I meet single men?
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